The secret that I learned about being rich once I had some money was that feeling rich has little to do with money once you make at least 75K in …
Life Outside The Maze
Life Outside The Maze
Mr Life Outside The Maze blogs at about his journey away from working for others to achieve financial independence and toward working for himself to achieve happiness
About a year ago, I was sitting across the table from a badass angel investor who is worth at least a half billion dollars and was on the board of …
How much money do you need? Many of us would like to live like a king, but the medieval king had no heat or air conditioning, couldn’t hope to travel …
There is no risk responsible way to get rich quickly without working and hell knows that there have been far too many hucksters and mountains of books elevated on the …
When my girlfriend and I finished college in the midwest, our backup plan was that if we didn’t have jobs lined up, we would pack everything that we owned into …